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Licensed by the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood

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There are many great options for your child's care.  Whether it is our Center or somewhere else it is important that you pick a provider that fits your families unique needs. Before you visit make sure to check that any Center or Provider is a Licensed Child Care Provider at or call 211.  


Creative Starts Learning Centers are Licensed Childcare Providers which ensures that we meet rigorous health and safety standards for both our centers and staff.  As a licensed provider our Centers are subject to periodic unscheduled health and safety inspections from State Licensing staff as well as the Local Health Department.  Each Center also receives an annual inspection from the local Fire Marshal.  


Creative Starts provides a safe and nurturing environment that encourages creativity, exploration and curiosity in children. With our flexible daily schedule, children can have access to materials that are tailored to their individual interests, helping them with social, cognitive, physical, and creative development.

We're a family-owned and operated business which sets us apart from companies that need to answer to shareholders or investors. This allows us to keep tuition costs affordable without sacrificing quality care.


Our team of highly trained professional staff is devoted to helping the families in our communities. We understand that working parents have a lot on their plate, thus, we have tailored our approach to be more accommodating to them. We believe that every child is a valuable member of our community, and we are dedicated to making sure that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our staff creates routines and curriculum that recognize the uniqueness of each child, to meet their individualized needs as they explore life's everyday adventures.


Each employee of our centers undergoes a rigorous screening process that includes passing a background check administered by the FBI, DCF and DESPP. Our Teachers are trained in First Aid, certified in CPR and to administer medication. Additionally each teacher receives training as a Mandated Reporter from the DCF.  

For security all of our Centers are monitored by closed circuit cameras and have a centrally monitored security and fire alarm system.  Entrance to our center is controlled by electronic locks and only our staff members have access to unlock the doors.  We do not distribute door lock codes to parents, at Creative Starts we strongly believe that to ensure children's safety all parents or visitors need to be let in by a staff member.  

arents are able to receive real-time updates about their children's day including meals, naps, activities and communicate directly with the teacher through our phone app.  


For information on our Covid-19 Health & Safety Protocols

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2189 Barnum Ave 

Stratford, CT 06615



61 California St

Stratford, CT 06615



35 Old State Rd 67

Oxford, CT 06478


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